These are in no order...some are sideways...because I am in a hurry and forgot to rotate them :)
This is from Ellie's end of school party with her best friend Anna!! They were so excited to get their hair colored!!
We went bowling here in Utah the other week. During the afternoons, it is free shoes and the kids each get a free round of bowling everyday during the summer!!! They really enjoyed trying to beat their dad.....even though they have bumbers and this cool thing to roll the ball on :)
This is Xander's first big bonk!! He fell over and bumbed his face on our bricks. He looks so cute with his little boo-boo.
Oh yes...Xander has started pulling himself up on stuff. He only gets to his knees but it is amazing how he can scoot himself around a little and then pull up or get into things I don't want him can also see what a mess our house is. We have only moved stuff into the girls room...everything else is in the front room and we are living out of bags/boxes...hopefully not too much longer!!
For Ellie's birthday, she wanted to go to IHOP and get the Horton Hear's a Who breakfast pancakes. We brought Ellie's friend Anna and we went before school started. It was really fun!! The kids were so good and Anna gave Ellie this really cute photo of the two of them and we put it up in her room here!! Thanks Anna!!!
We celebrated her birthday that day at Pump It Up with some school and church friends. It is a place filled with big blow up slides and obstacle courses. The kids had so much fun and boy were they sweaty when we got home :)!!
Xander ended up getting a cold and was having a lot of wheezing. We took him in to the doctor and he needed a nebulizer. Our doc was worried he was going to be admitted to the hospital because his oxygen saturation was low. Thank goodness that she gave him one more breathing treatment and he did better. We did treatments at home and he just looked so cute!